The Passionate Ones

Blessed are the people

who aren’t passionate

about anything.

They will lead



even satisfying lives.

It’s the passionate ones

who are in trouble.

They are a

danger to themselves.

For they listen

to no one else

but their souls.

And souls seldom

worry about the needs of the body.

(Please like, comment and share, if you enjoyed it. Thanks.)

Copyright © 2020 by Sundaram Chauhan


  1. As someone who completely lost the ability to be passionate about anything, I can confirm that there’s 0 satisfaction in the mundane, comfortable life that comes along

    Liked by 6 people

    • And I can say you’re right from my own experience. Yet, sometimes passion seems to eat away all serenity from the mind, and leaves us ruffled, in dark, wanting to go back to the easy mundane world that looks so alluring with its security. Thanks for stopping by.🙏😀🙏

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Both, Fire and passion are creative and consuming. How can you go without them. But how can you not let them take everything. Very beautifully written, my friend. 😊🌷

    Liked by 6 people

  3. I think this is the negative aspect of passion, unless you want to be nothing, and those who are nothing is bound to work for those who are something. Your passion is the fuel that drives you especially when you have obstacles in reaching your goal. Thanks

    Liked by 3 people

    • You’re right, it is the negative aspect of it. Just seeing it from another angle. Touching on the irony that even with great possibilities of your passion consuming you full, you can’t help not to give in to it. And even the blessings of a mundane life are nothing before the agonies of passion. Thanks for visiting. 🙏☺🙏


  4. You are on to something there. Same can be said for intellect, talent, special abilities, etc. They can make you or break you and like many said it is about the balance, which is not an easy thing to find necessarily

    Liked by 2 people

  5. yesss, in my mixed martial arts training they tell me all the time “dont want it so much, you want it so bad that it’s messing you up” 🙌

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I think it rather depends how old you are and what your experiences have been as to how you react to passion. It can be all-consuming as in a love relationship but the reverse of that can be all-controlling when one person wants total control over the other.
    In respect of creativity it is possible as you get older to channel passion into your creativity, to choose to loose yourself in poetry, spoken word performance (on Zoom at the moment) and writing. Nowadays I choose to be passionate about abandoned cats. I have 2, called Rio and Miss Molly they give me so much pleasure. If a purring cat sits on your knee it is said to bring your blood pressure down.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow. This is such an amazing comment. Thanks for the insights Carolyn. I believe you’re right. The channelization of passion is the art of a mature mind, true. And yet, sometimes it surprises me with its power to make us lose all that’s supposed to be safe. It doesn’t think about us, I guess. It has a mind of its own. Taming it and directing it all we can do. Like you with your cats, my brother with his stray dogs, and I with my words. ☺☺️…really appreciate the discussion. Thanks 🙏

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I love this piece. It resonates with me. I identify as a passionate one and not a day goes by that my unwavering commitment to leading the life I really want to lead doesn’t scare the crap out of me. Sometimes I wish I was on a linear path, but what’s the fun in that.
    great piece!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yeah, absolutely…what’s the fun in that… been on the linear path myself… and then decided to make it a bit zigzag ☺️… 🤜🤛 Glad to hear your views on it…take care…🙏


  8. Simply written. But that’s all you need when you’ve distilled the essence of thought into the crispest little nutshell! I agree, and think about this 8374982370 times a day. Blessed are the ones who are ok being ok!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Passion can sometimes be dangerous, it eats at your mind and poisons your soul. I’ve been there before. But above all, we’ll need passion for our dreams, otherwise there won’t be any fun in what we love doing. I really love this piece💞

    Liked by 2 people

  10. This hit home while I’m up WAY later than I should be on a work night journaling and writing poetry. I really enjoyed this poem. Thanks for posting.


    • It absolutely can… and still we won’t mind. That’s passion, and its grip… just envious of the people who could lead sane, reasonable lives, doing all that matters. Thanks for reading…🙏🍀🙏


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